Patterns of Code as Media by Andrew Odewahn

Formatting and Annotation

This category covers the different ways that code is either formatted or annotated. This can take the form of color coding the syntax, or pulling out comments to create new documentation. Examples include:

Syntax Highlighting


Pygments is a post-processor that applies syntax highlighting for a wide range of languages. (Some 200+ are supported.) The key advantage is that it makes code more readable.

Source code colorized using pygments


Opal is another highlighter. Dan Allen has taken an interest in this project and may use it with asciidoctor.


Docco is a Jeremy Ashkenas project that takes comments embedded in source code and turns them into annotations that appear on the sidepanel of the listing. This allows the reader to more easily scan the code and read the comments in a way that is visually more appealing than having the comments appear purely inline.

Source code comments formatted using docco

Ace Editor

The Ace Editor is a text editor built in the style of textmate or sublime. It has a number of useful features, like syntax highlighting (around 15 languages), line numbering, a rich API, and a robust set of themes. A number of sites use it to show listings, even if all you can do is copy the code from the box.

ace editor