Patterns of Code as Media by Andrew Odewahn

Code Evolution

Examples in this category show how code evolves over time. For example, you might break a complex example down into a series of steps. At each change point, you show how the code progresses between steps.

Text-Based Description

This is the standard tech book approach — have a narrative series of listing that shows the code at each point, and describe the changes between each.

Meteor Book

The Meteor Book has a nice system that uses commits at each checkpoint so that the user can check out the code that corresponds to a specific section of the example. The nice thing about this method is that it allows the author make changes in a natural way that is similar to how they would work with code.

meteor book


  • semantic versioning

  • $29: The Book Pack pdf, epub, and mobi versions of Learn.js.

  • 30 minutes of one-on-one javascript tutoring.

  • $89: The Super Bonus Pack: pdf, epub, and mobi versions of Learn.js.

  • 2 hours of one-on-one javascript tutoring.
  • Screencasts of the chapters as they are produced.

The book: